If you call yourself a modern cook, then you know the importance of the grill in your workspace, but also, the backyard. On the other side, if you are just a gourmand towards the summer dishes, and don’t know a lot about the BTU scale, infrared features, side burners, and other features which concern the good-quality grill, you have come to the right place, because in this article we are going to talk about how to shop for a grill.
This compelling article covers a large range of features that make a good grill together, essential for every household. The range of items you can cook on a grill is extensive such as:
- sausages
- beef jerky
- brisket
- steaks
- smoked ham
- roasts
- fish
- vegetables
The first thing that we are going to consider in this article is price, and probably the hardest one. Reason for this is mostly because of the different kinds of the grills available on the market. You can buy the grill absolutely anywhere, from the grocery stores, to the garden tools shops, and even the internet. However, we believe that buying over the internet is very difficult, and requires extensive research and knowledge.
You can find a grill for anywhere from $50 to $500, a functional one. The gas grills and electricity grills of quality can be found for around $500, but it’s important to note that these models can go up to $5,000 in range. This is why, you should know what you’re buying for.
If you are looking for a combination that will last, you should never satisfy yourself with the mediocre work. Being made out of metal, grills can rust easily if you don’t take care of them. Good-quality grills are made mostly from aluminum, iron, or stainless steel. If you have tinkered around the grills for quite a while, it is mostly the stainless steel that covers the grill, because it is durable, reliable, and doesn’t get rusty. But, if you are buying the stainless steel, keep in mind that the price will likely go up.
One thing to keep an eye for, carefully, is also the frame of the grill. Frame of the grill is likely to hold the whole construction together, and doesn’t look as lovely if its’ made out of material that can rust easily. The painted steel frames rust easily, and you should try to avoid them.
Don’t go for the largest grill that you can find, because larger and more expensive is not always essentially better. If you live in a big family, or you often expect guests, it is normal to buy a grill that can handle more meat grilled at the same time. On the other side, if you occasionally grill meat, and not too much of it, you shouldn’t spend money on a larger grill.
Space is also a factor to be put into consideration. If you don’t have a lot of space in your backyard, there is no need to purchase a large grill that will take over the remaining space of your home, if you can settle for the smaller grill of the same strength. Side -burners is something to consider too. They are used when you want to multitask with cooking, and can take more space, but not necessarily.
We already spoke about the impact of the BTU scale on the quality of grilled meat, and grills in particular. This unit measures the amount of heat that the burner generates. Although it is expected, a grill that generates a better BTU rating, doesn’t always produce as much of heat as you would expect. Even though it has the higher BTU, it is the heat distribution, construction, and size that contribute to producing and sharing the heat equally.
If you are going to buy a grill just because of the BTU result, you might be making a mistake. Before you accept the price that is offered to you, make sure to compare it with other grills, the material, the size, and most importantly, the shape. There is plenty of grills that can produce and distribute exactly the necessary amount of heat to make grilling successful, despite the lower BTU.
Of course, when you are buying a grill, you are not looking for an option that will last for couple of seasons and then die-out. A good, and we mean, a really good grill is supposed to last for at least a decade. Make sure to choose the grill that is made out of thick and sturdy materials (metals), so that it can ensure the lasting quality.
But, the build of your grill is not the only thing that your grill’s life-span depends on. If you don’t maintain your grill regularly, it is estimated to die, because of the rust, dirt, and much more. You need to clean your grill, make sure that the materials are not going rusty, and much more. If you don’t clean it on a regular basis or maintain the sensitive parts, expect it to fall apart after some years.